e3 Waste Management System. Web-app to manage industrial enterprises waste

The continuous increase in the waste volumes taken to a landfill site to be buried causes the increase in the emissions of harmful pollutants.

The environmental problem is staging ground for developing the unconventional for us software – Е3 WMS, which enables you to automate the waste management process at an industrial enterprise, monitor the volumes of the formed waste and its location. The app helps not only control the amount of waste, but also prevent its burial as far as feasible.
E3 WMS is developed on the basis of a cloud platform, which enables you to provide an access to the data from any device through the Internet, regardless of the geographic location.
The project is implemented for industrial enterprises and addresses the challenges of production waste data collection, monitoring its amount on-line, and further control of the waste path.
Waste Management System e3
E3 WMS is developed on the basis of a cloud platform, which enables you to provide an access to the data from any device through the Internet, regardless of the geographic location

The app comprises the following modules ensuring:

  • ecology

    Automatic production waste accounting, document flow, warnings about getting closer to the critical level

  • Waste Management

    Logistics management and directing the vehicles to the most suitable path to minimise the emissions

  • Waste Management System

    Arrangement of optimal itineraries for waste collection and removal

  • Waste Management System

    Creation of an interactive map for the search of the closest waste processing enterprise

The following modules are being developed
  • Platform for experience exchange between the enterprises and environmental specialists

  • Data base of all waste processing enterprises in the district for the most suitable logistics
  • Module for collection and processing of the information on the waste from the industrial enterprises in the district
    This will make it possible to enhance waste recycling (its use performed by other enterprises for production)
  • Data base of waste burial sites on the particular territory, special features and hazard of the waste use for population
    In cooperation with medical companies, the module can be afterwards complemented with the list of illnesses, persons who suffer from which are not recommended to reside permanently on the particular territories.

Е3 WMS may be adjusted for any country or district, taking into account the adopted standards and environmental regulatory requirements.